New Year Resolutions For Your Business

At the beginning of each year, people everywhere make promises in the form of new year resolutions to better themselves, and companies can borrow the same spirit and make new year resolutions for the year 2023. Companies can learn a lot about their employees and themselves while making an assessment regarding their company policies and the work force. If you want your business to thrive in 2023 and beyond, I suggest you adopt these five practices as new year’s resolutions.

  • Think About Your Past Achievements

Especially in this era of the blended office-based and remote workforce, each year presents its own considerations for the employers. Examining the ways in which your business met the challenges of the past year is a terrific approach to kickstart the new year with ideas for how to improve your workplace or teaming for the upcoming year. Which modifications were successful, and which were not? This may involve testing new hires in a traditional or virtual setting or evaluating the performance of different teams, among others.

Making new year’s resolutions for the workplace is a great approach to get input from employees on what they think worked and what didn’t. Some examples of methods for collecting employees’ opinions are through conducting anonymous polls, surveys, and focus groups with workers, as well as by speaking with individuals.

You can use any of these methods in the workplace to track your progress. It’s likely that your staff will provide feedback on what worked and what may be done better.

  • Adjust Your Company’s New Year Resolutions 

Employers might benefit from the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) goal-setting approach when coming up with their new year’s resolutions. Goals that are SMART are ones that can be tracked, evaluated, prioritized, and completed by a set date. Implementing employee suggestions is facilitated by setting attainable targets like these. Think on what the workers think went well in the previous year. What specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely objectives might further improve your successful work-from-home or work-from-office or a hybrid setup? What changes to current policy could you make to better achieve that end?

  • Examine the Foundational Policies of Your Organization 

Employers would be well to take this occasion to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s fundamental policies as they construct their new year’s resolutions for the next year. Sometimes in company resolutions, the significance of personnel policies and processes is overlooked. Your company cannot afford to have that happen.

  • Reviewing the Company’s Employee Handbook and Job Descriptions

Work-related new year’s resolutions should include “review employee handbook”. Is it in line with the most recent regulations in every state where you do business? Is it still the case that you have a sufficient number of workers to require modifying your policy’s thresholds for receiving certain benefits? Making sure your handbook is up-to-date and applicable at the start of a new year is a terrific idea. Working with a lawyer who specializes in employment law might simplify the entire procedure.

Reviewing job descriptions is another wonderful new year’s commitment for companies. Have they been updated to reflect the current reality of your employees’ responsibilities and duties in each position? I was wondering if all of the aforementioned jobs still existed or if others had been created.

  • Social Media

Implementing a social media policy at work as one of your new year’s resolutions is a terrific idea if you don’t currently have one. Because of the rapid changes in the social media landscape, the law is often left behind. Make sure the policy covers how you want your staff to interact on company-related social media. Communicate to workers your policy on the use of company logos and/or names in online profiles. Any guidelines on the use of the company’s name in employee’s personal social media posts should be communicated to them.

Be sure that issues like harassment and the disclosure of company’s confidential information are covered in your company’s social media policy. Educate your staff on the distinction between business and personal correspondence. Get your management and HR people up to speed on the company’s social media policies and put “review social media policy” on your list of things to do in the new year.

  • Privacy Policy

The importance of data management to your company’s performance will depend on its line of work. How successfully do you protect the privacy of your customers? How successfully do you protect the privacy of your employees? Companies may resolve to create or revise internal and external privacy policies as one of their new year’s resolutions. In addition to saving money and time, this also ensures that your company will be well-received by its staff and clientele and will not suffer any serious data loss.

  • Training Programs and Performance Reviews

Improving the skills of your employees is a worthy new year’s resolution. Failure to invest in and maintain a strong team will undermine even the most well-intentioned new year’s resolutions and policy revisions. Find out what your staff members hope to achieve in their careers and make it your mission to aid them in achieving those goals. Examples of suitable new year’s resolutions in this regard include incorporating 360-degree performance reviews on a regular basis, giving employees recognition for their efforts, developing a mentoring scheme, and employers could also consider funding their workers’ pursuit of further education in order to be equipped with better knowledge and skillset useful to the business. 

Your company will benefit from your resolve to train and educate its employees. Spending effort and resources to learn about workers’ aspirations will yield useful information for developing next year’s SMART objectives. It’s a win-win because it’ll make your staff happier and keep them around for longer.